Monday 21 January 2013

High impact sales training that delivers a clear ROI | Growth ...

Individual to youIt can be a major chal?lenge to provide appro?pri?ate, cost effect?ive, indi?vidu?ally tailored learn?ing and devel?op?ment to a large and geo?graph?ic?ally spread sales force. To do so with min?imal impact on daily activ?ity and within spend?ing con?straints is almost impossible.? Identi?fy?ing who needs what train?ing and at what level is only the first step.? Man?aging the pro?cess using tra?di?tional sales train?ing solu?tions involves book?ing rooms, train?ers and hotels, jug?gling diar?ies and tak?ing the sales force off the road (or the phone).? Add to that the stat?istic that 87% of know?ledge impar?ted in tra?di?tional train?ing is lost in the fol?low?ing 30?days and the head?aches go on and?on.

An online Sales Academy does more than offer an altern?at?ive means of provid?ing the appro?pri?ate learn?ing to sup?port the strengths ori?ented approach out?lined above.? The Academy plat?form ensures each indi?vidual is engaged in the learn?ing pro?cess through a tailored blend of eLearn?ing and tra?di?tional classroom inter?ac?tions with bespoke industry and com?pany spe?cific con?tent along?side mod?ules accred?ited by the ISMM. Play?ing to the nat?ural com?pet?it?ive instinct in sales people, ?gami?fic?a?tion? has been embed?ded ; learners gain badges and awards, fea?ture on Leader Boards and share their suc?cesses via social media, at the same time as under?tak?ing chal?len?ging mod?ule assign?ments which are graded by inde?pend?ent assessors and can lead to inter?na?tion?ally recog?nised qualifications.

One com?pany using the Sales Academy has seen staff turnover fall from 52% to 23% in the first year, and halved its induc?tion learn?ing time, sav?ing an estim?ated ?2.5 mil?lion to the bot?tom?line.

The Academy allows new con?tent to be uploaded quickly so new product know?ledge or legis?la?tion can be dis?sem?in?ated eas?ily.? Man?agers have a com?pre?hens?ive suite of report?ing tools to hand so they can see who is using the Academy and util?ising the know?ledge and skills gained.

The secrets that these com?pan?ies intu?it?ively under?stand about engage?ment is key to their suc?cess. How?ever, what is also key is that they under?stand that innov?a?tion must be at the heart of everything they do. In adopt?ing and deploy?ing innov?at?ive new solu?tions to old and inef?fect?ive meth?ods to the chal?lenge of enga?ging sales people to drive more rev?enue, these com?pan?ies? are find?ing sur?pris?ing rewards .

The impact of these solu?tions on the bot?tom line is that they sig?ni?fic?antly reduce the dia?gnostic, design and deploy?ment phase of any sales effect?ive?ness pro?ject. Cli?ents are report?ing shortened pro?ject times?cales of up to 75% com?pared to tra?di?tional meth?ods of identi?fy?ing devel?op?ment needs and address?ing them.? In addi?tion they are cut?ting induc?tion train?ing pro?gramme times, and increas?ing reten?tion rates . In deliv?er?ing these cost sav?ings the impact of the time sav?ing is not just cost, but by bring?ing for?ward deploy?ment, the oppor?tun?ity to engage with cli?ents more effect?ively also brings for?ward rev?enue streams and achieves sub?stan?tial improve?ments in the pay?back time frame for a pro?ject in most cases these are being achieved within a?year.

Whilst it is unusual for a pro?ject to deliver both sig?ni?fic?ant cost sav?ings as well as increas?ing rev?enue streams both of which are highly sort after in today?s mar?ket. The icing on the cake for most CEOs is the build?ing of intel?lec?tual cap?ital through the Academy which bene?fits both the effect?ive?ness of the busi?ness and its per?ceived value.


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