Tuesday 6 November 2012

Successful email marketing campaigns ? getting it right | Modern ...

Email?marketing?is a crucial part of any online?marketing?strategy. The explosion of online third-party tools and software, alongside the increasing migration to digital, means that it?s essential for marketers to exploit this?email?communication channel as effectively as possible.

Developing effective e-marketing?campaigns

Most of us are bombarded with?email?marketing?every day. Much of it probably gets deleted on sight ? unless it?s something we?ve actively signed up for, is relevant to our needs and wants and is presented in a way that makes it very appealing. As marketers, we need to always have our target market in our minds when we create compelling campaigns.

Luckily there is a great selection of online tools and software packages available that allow you to create professional campaigns of?email?marketing?agency?standard. And this is the first rule ? to only send out e-marketing?that you would be pleased to receive yourself. Make sure it looks good. Ensure that your branding is well presented, that there is attractive and strong imagery and that the copy and messaging is succinct, compelling and in line with your brand?s tone of voice.

A word on data

In the world of digital, data is key. And in the world of e-mail?marketing, positive consenting data is the holy grail. But watch out ? if you send?email?marketing?to customers who have either said that they don?t want your communications, or who should have never ended up on your data list in the first place, then you could find yourself in trouble with the data commission and facing a fine and investigation. To avoid this, ensure that your data lists are clean. You must ensure that your customer database is kept up to date and that you capture customer preferences around the sorts of?marketing?they do ? or don?t ? want to receive. Ideally, seek a positive opt-in, where the customer actively ticks that they want to receive communications from you. Alternatively, you can buy in data from a data provider or?agency, who will ensure that it is clean and legally available for use. With your own data, ensure that you provide an unsubscribe option on your?email?marketing?and action any requests to unsubscribe from further communications, or again, you could find yourself in contravention of the data protection laws.

The benefits of an?email?marketing?agency

There is quite a skill set required with?email?marketing. It?s easy to create an?email communication, but far harder to target it, ensure that the messaging works and leads to a desired response, send it to the right people, encourage the behaviours you want to see from the communication, measure effectiveness and ensure that the message is a coherent tactical activity within a more strategic?marketing?plan. For this reason, many businesses choose to outsource these services to a?marketing?agency?who can manage their?email?communications to customers in a professional and impactful way and ensure that their activities fall within the requirements of data protection legislation.

If you?re considering the?agency?approach, decide on the relationship you are looking for from your supplier. Are you seeking a tactical activity provider to focus on delivery ? or a strategic marketing?partner to help deliver your digital strategy? Decide what you want first and define your budget before progressing with a few recommended contacts and taking the conversation onwards.

Genelia writes regularly on?email?marketing?strategies for business publications and websites and has years of experience working within the?email?marketing?environment and in-house.

Source: http://www.moderndignity.com/successful-email-marketing-campaigns-getting-it-right/

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1 comment:

  1. I just want to ask something your post if you don't mind.Why is that sentences have several question marks?It is very confusing to read with more than 2 question marks in a sentence.I hope you will not be offended about my comment.It is just confusing.

    email marketing
